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High Blood Pressure Has Been Linked to Hearing Loss

older man searching for information about high blood pressure

Can High Blood Pressure Cause Hearing Loss?

You can have high blood pressure or hypertension, and still feel just fine. That’s because high blood pressure often does not cause signs of illness that you can see or feel. But, high blood pressure, is common in older people and a major health problem. If high blood pressure isn’t controlled with lifestyle changes and medicine, it can lead to stroke, heart disease, eye problems, and yes,  hearing loss.

Results of a Recent Study

A recent study demonstrated a significant association between hearing loss and high blood pressure.  They studied 274 patients between the ages of 45-64.  Researchers found a direct correlation between the presence of high blood pressure and hearing loss. Additionally, the researcher’s found that additional hearing loss could be prevented by bringing a patient’s blood pressure under control.

Why High Blood Pressure Can Effect Hearing

All living cells in the human body depend on a proper supply of oxygen and nutrients to maintain their function.  They also count on the functional and structural integrity of the heart and blood vessels. Hypertension can change structures in the heart and blood vessels. High pressure or changes in the thickness of the blood in the vascular system can cause either a gradual or sudden hearing loss.

The Impact of Hearing Loss

Hearing loss often prevents people from being able to communicate effectively.  This change in their ability to communicate can lead to fewer and fewer social exchanges. Social isolation can increase the chance of developing depression and conditions associated with depression.  Dr. Mohan Jagade, chief of the ENT department at the hospital where the study was conducted, noted that,

“Hypertension is a trigger for several kinds of diseases but hearing loss affects the quality of life and, therefore, it’s important to rectify it at the earliest.”

As such, it is essential that health professionals concerned work in coordination to improve the quality of life of the patient.

If someone you know has high blood pressure that is not well controlled, recommend they read this article.

Source NIH: National Institute on Aging
High Blood Pressure